Friday, December 30, 2011

Swiftlet sound use at diferrent stage

I did the random survey and conclude that less then 10% of the BH know the secret ingredient to be mix into the sound to make the sound more attractive.  This is one of the reason why less then 20% of BH did well among all.  You may wonder why your neighbor BH attract more swiftlet then your unit.

For me, I categories BH into 3 stages:
Stage 1 - Beginner (0 to 300 nest)
Stage 2 - Develop (301 to 800 nest)
Stage 3 - Stable (> 800 nest)

I use different set of sound in different stage.

The most difficult always at stage 1. Once you reach stage 2, you just need to maintain the BH in good condition & change you sound every 3 month to stay attractive. Stage 3 will be the starting point of the reward from you tenant.  You can started to harvest 1kg ++ per month & the nest continue to growth day by day. But the question is how to attract swiftlet to stay at you BH at the beginning stage. The answer is - CORRECT BIRDS CHIRP SOUND and STRATEGY to attract the birds. To be continue...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Free Sample of External & Internal Sound

Just upload some samples of common external & internal sound use by swiftlet farmer.  Enjoy the melody of swiftlet.....

Current Bird Nest Price

Current bird nest price not shown a good sign even close to Chinese New Year. Just sold the nest at average of RM2100 per KG. Please let me know if you have a better deal.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Should I continue?

I have been silent for a long time. One of the biggest discover during my years in swiftlet farming is swiftlet sound. I have discover the ingredient for the sound to be use in different stage in BH.  But I'm still struggling whether to continue to disclose what I discover. The competition between BH are more challenging nowadays.  Even my neibours become my competitor.  It will not benefit and add advantage to me at all if I continue with the disclose. I my still finding the reasons  to continue...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Extra Feeding for swiftlet

Drosophila or often called "fruit flies” are very suitable for swiftlet. These insects have a high protein and you can attact & breed these insects by following: 
1)1KG oatmeal/careal powder (you can buy cheap cereal, and then blend it)

2) 1KG of soybean meal (can use flour, but not very effective

3) 0.25k KG milk

4) 1KG chicken or pig food (you can buy from poultry shop

5) 4 liters of hot water

Mix items 1, 2, 3 & 4. Cereal flour, soybean flour, milk, chicken or pig diets provide  adequate vitamin and minerals for Drosophila to growth.

Later add hot water to these materials and mix evenly. You can also add a little baking powder to attract Drosophila.

After completion pour it into the bucket place in roving room. Drosophila will be attracted to the smell & begin to lay eggs, then into larva, the pupa and then into Drosophila. 

Remember to ensure the food is always wet & add some water to it went necessary. The breeding insects will be continue until your food is gone.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Best aroma???

Do you have the an best aroma? To prove the effectiveness of the aroma, look at the below picture(circle area which was spray with aroma):


I don't have the best aroma & I have shared with you my 'secret recepist' in my previous post. The above picture capture in CCTV which is my 'accident' findings during a night visit. Once you enter the BH at night, the birds will be frightened & fly & hide at one corner which you can see in the pictures.
Please do not try to enter you BH at night as it will scare the birds.  I enter due to the BH alarm trigger & CCTV captured somebody try to enter the BH. Of cause the burglar run off once the alarm trigger.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Plan for my new BH

This few weeks busy with my office work & at the same time negotiating on the purchase of corner lot double storey shop office with the existing owners.  Finally conclude the sale & sale & purchase agreement signed.  Below is the sketch of the double storey shop office.

I plan to convert it to 3 storey (1st & 2nd floor as BH. Ground floor maintain as shop for rent). The design is little bit difference from my previous BH. The inter hole(LAL) open at 1st floor rather then 2nd floor which mean it go from 1st floor up to 2nd floor (go up rather then go down as most of the BH).  My initial plan as follow:

Please feel free to comments.  Will update the progress once the work comments.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fake nest soke with bird nest aroma

We normally will soak the fake nest with bird nest aroma before we install in the BH.
This is not a cooking oil.  this is a birds nest aroma.

Fake nest put into the bottle.

Mix birds nest aroma with fake nest.

Keep the soak fake nest in a bottle for few days.

Install the fake nest.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Styrofoam fake nest attract birds to build nest

The benefit of fake nest:
1) attract new tenant to build nest,
2) retain the young birds in the BH which do not have experience to build nest,
3) attract the emergency couple from the existing BH or others BH which nest being wrongly harvest by owners.

Friday, February 11, 2011

'Original' & 'Safe' Bird nest aroma

What you need are as following:
1) raw nests. Choose the low quality nest (broken,contaminated, loose nest) to reduce the cost of preparing the aroma.

2)distilled water
3)some bottles with caps

First you soak the nests inside a container by using normal distilled water & let it ferment for about 2 to 3 weeks.

When it start smelling "good" (only swiftlet farmer will say so) you then get ready to transfer to your BH or use to soak your fake bird nest. Spray a little bit on nesting plank (only spray on the nesting plank without nest, don't try to disturb the plank with nest).  This is a most 'original' & 'safe' birds nest aroma.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Beautiful nest

This beautiful nest was wrong harvest during the CNY.  We believe the nest is still new & the birds have yet to lay eggs in the nest. dear birds.  Hope the newly install fake bird nest will help...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Revamp a farm during CNY2011

Take the opportunity to revamp a BH which is not doing very well.  We try to analyse & identify the problems.    What we manage to do during the CNY:
1. Change the sound - increase the piyik sound for internal & external sound,

2.  More partition & VIP room for the birds to feel be more secured,

3. rearrange the external sound speaker to increase the effectiveness of pulling the birds into the BH

4.  to install additional boozoka

5. install more fake nest.

Hope all this will attract the new tenants to the BH.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Harvest during CNY2011

The best of swiftlet farming is that you can do it part timely. This CNY went back to my home town & do the harvest. Soon passive income will be more then fixed monthly salary...

Effectiveness of fake nest

There are difference type of fake nest that can be install in your BH to encourage birds to built nest.  My favourite still on the styrofoam fake nest.  The reasons are that you can craft the shape based on creativity & styrofoam that you have.  I normally use the recycle styrofoam to craft the fake nest.  Take a look at my 'product'.

Lets take a look at the nest build on the fake nest.  The nest may not look beautiful & the value/grade will be lower.  Who care, our purpose of fake nest is to encourage bird to build nest & increase our tenants.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to retire young & rich from swiftlet farming?(Part 2)

Financing your shop house.

When buying properties from investment purpose, take as much loan as possible (of course you only take as much as you can comfortably to pay back).Why?
First, property used as a rental (you can rent out the ground floor & convert the upper floors to BH) are eligible for tax deduction for interest portion.  This is a significant deduction as the interest portion of the mortgage is extremely high during the early years (about 90% of the payment).
Second reason is tat by taking loan, you are freeing your capital.  This allow you to use your free capital for converting or buy more properties. This is how rich people build wealth by using other people money.

Basically, we are limited by 2 things when come to applying for loan: our cash in hand(down payment) & our income. First limitation -Down payment (please refer to - part 1 for suggestion).  Second limitation - our income. Banks normally limit the mortgage to 33% of our monthly salary.
To be continue...

How to retire young & rich from swiftlet farming?(Part 1)

1.Buy a shop house
2.Converting to swiftlet farm
3.Modification/improvement periodically to attract more swiftlets (for BH which are not achieving the desire result)
4.Continue investing in BH when you build up your cash flow from the 1st farm.

Most common grouses people have about swiftlet farm is that it requires a lot of money to start.  The truth is that you only need to source for down payment plus converting cost. Balance payment, let bank help you to pay.
Where to source for down payment & converting cost?
  • your own saving
  • gift from parents/family members
  • loan from family members/friend
  • sale of stocks,unit trusts & others investment
  • claiming back your money who own you
  • refinancing your present home
  • EPF
  • etc
Hi friend, you have to find one of the above way to start & the balance let the finance company help you.
To be continue...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Quantity of bird nests in firm to be able to havest 1 kg per month

How many bird nests you need to have in your firm to be able to harvest 1kg of bird nest per month?
1kg = 125 nest

Example: Your farm have 400 nests.  1 year you may able to harvest 1,200 nests (1 year 3 cycle, so 400 nest x 3). Harvest per month = 1,200/12 = 100 nests per month or 25% of 400 nests.
conclusion: you are able to harvest 25% of bird nests in the firm per month.

So, if you need to harvest 1kg = 125 nests per month, your firm need to have 500 nest (125nest/25%). Note25%=0.25

From the above, you can now easily estimate number of nest in a farm from the monthly harvest. Example: Firm A harvest 2.5kg per month.  You can easily say that Farm A have 1,250 nests in the firm
 (2.5 kg x 125)/25% = 1,250 nests.

Go and try whether my formula acceptable or not.

Return of Investment in Swiftlet farming.

It is not surprise nowadays to find a young, rich & successful swiflet farmers.  Most of them become rich by either selling bird nest or letting go their swiftlet farm. Let discuss how they achieve this:
1) income from selling bird nest.
Assume you own a 20x70 shop house with build up area 2,800 sqf.  After 3 years of operation, if your firm achieve >1,000 nest, you may able to harvest 240 nest per month which equivalent to RM8,600 income per month. 
With 2,800 sqf, you actually can produce up to 2,800 nest every 4 months (max) with RM301,000 annually = RM25,083 per month (now you can retired my friend)

120 nest = 1 kg
1kg = RM4,300
8,400 nest = 70kg = RM301,000 annually

2)income from selling of swiftlet farm.
Assume after 3 years of operation, you farm have only 800 nest.  The market price of your farm will be:
  a)Current price of the shop house
  b)Cost of converting to swiftlet farm
  b)Current market price of RM1,000 per nest.

Let say current market price of 20x70 double storey shop house at the area = RM350,000.00 , Your selling price will be RM350,000 (cost for shop house) + RM30,000 (converting cost) + RM800,000(nest price) = RM1.2million.  Congratulation, you are a millionaire now.

Swiftlet farming can help you to retire rich & young.

How much you need to retired?

Everyone dream to retire young & rich.  But have you ever calculate how much you need to retired? Let me show you the following formula:

PF  =  DI  x  (POA-RA)  x  12 months
PF (Pension Fund)
DI (Desired Income) = Ideal passive income monthly
CA (Current Age) = Current age
RA (Retirement Age) = Ideal retirement age
POA (Passing On Age) = Age of passing

For example:
You are 35 years old & want to retire at the age of 45.  How much you need to retire?
PF = RM7,000 x (75 – 45) x 12 months
= RM2,520,000.00

Which means, you would need to have RM2,520,000 so that you can retire by 45 years old and enjoy a passive income of RM7,000 per month (assuming that pass away on at age 75)! Earning RM7,000 per month is just consider as a middle class income group!

So my friend, last time, to be a millionaire is a privilege. Now, it is becoming a necessity due to money inflation.

Can swiftlet farming help you retired young???

How to start

Common question :
1) I'm interested in swiftlet farming & I have read all the books, blog regarding swiftlet farming.  But how do I start...
You need to own a farm to become a swiftlet farmer
2) How to own a farm?
Two choice - buy a shop and convert to a farm or buy a agriculture land & build.
3) Which do you suggest?
If you are rich, no problems, you can either buy shop & build.  But if you are like me who receiving monthly salary & want to become a part time farmer, I suggest you go for shop & convert to farm cause it's easier to obtain finance (let banker help you to finance rather to use up you saving). We will discuss this in depth later.
4) Where should I buy shop?
Of course the hot sport area but price wise...$$$$ budget? Go for not a very 'hot' area but off course, within the swiftlet flaying path & your budget. One more thing, buy a shop near your house or area which is easy for you to manage as you need to check your farm regularly.

Swiflet Farmer - Good profession?

Farmer can be consider a good profession in US & able to earn quit handsome of income.  However, it may not be a favorable profession in Malaysia as common perception - low income group & only suitable for senior citizen.  If you are in such perception my friend, you are wrong.  Swiftlet farmer is suitable for all - young, old, rich, Chinese, Malay, Indian & others. 
Advantage: need to hire employees. So no need to pay salary,overtime, bonus etc. No human resources problems. need to feed swiftlet.
3.small capital (bank will finance for your shop house. You only need to come out with the down payment plus conversion cost) but generate enormous return (selling bird nest & capital appreciation of bird firm)
4.Passive income.  You can continue with your current profession until time for you to retire.
5. Low monthly operating cost (you only need to pay minimum electric & water bills)
6. You can recover your investment in a short period of time. 

Dear friend, welcome to swiftlet farming...